1st part: From Mulhouse to Ulm – 294 km travelled (from 15th to 19th day)
Tuesday 5 September (15th day), last stop in France in Mulhouse in Alsace.

Thanks to Nath and Kevin for welcoming us home for two days and for discovering the area.

Wednesday, September 6 (16th day), we left Mulhouse, had lunch in Basel and slept at the edge of the Rhine opposite the village of Schworstadt: 72 km travelled.

Thursday, September 7 (17th Day), a flat tyre made us lose all morning. In the evening we slept, always on the Swiss side, in the village of Weiach: 64 km travelled.

Friday 8 September (18th day), we arrived on the German side and spent the night near the village of Horn: 80 km travelled.
19th Day, after pedaling all day in the rain, we arrived in the city of Ulm: 78 km travelled (stop two days in Ulm).
Part II: From ULM to Regensburg – 243 km travelled (from 20th to 25th days)
After a hard day the night before in a continuous rain, we rested two days with Judith, our German host.

On the 20th and 21st days (Sunday 10 and Monday 11 September) we visited ULM.

On the 22nd day (Tuesday 12 September), we took the road (arrival about 10km after the village of Donauwörth): 103 km travelled.

On the 23rd day, Wednesday, September 13th, we started at 9:30 a.m. to arrive near Abensberg: 100 km travelled.
On the 24th day, Thursday 14th September, we arrived again in a city, the city of Regensburg: 40 km travelled.
On the 25th day, Friday, September 15, we took a break and visited the city.